GP System Change

As the current arrangements for the supply of GP systems under the NPfIT and GPSoC come to an end GPs maybe thinking about a potential system change. In particular some emerging CCGs are promoting system change to achieve a single system on their patch, but my advice would be to wait and I say this for two reasons.

Firstly, because of the pain involved in a system change and secondly because changes in the way IT is delivered as a result of the app revolution, probably removes many of the reasons for a change.

Most GP practices have been computerised long enough to have experienced at least one major system change and will know how painful it can be. I wrote a document in 2004 which included a section about system change and most of what I said then remains as true to day as it was then (click here for an edited extract). A change, even to something clearly better, is likely to result in a period of at least six months plus before a practice gets back to where it started and I would argue that for users of any one of the current GP systems there are not any alternatives on offer that are “clearly better”. Any practice thinking of changing needs to think carefully if the benefit of any change justifies the costs and loss of revenue which inevitable flow from a such a change and what the alternatives to such a bruising experience might be.

The app revolution promises to offer software from third parties that will extend and enhance existing systems without the need to replace the underlying core system. These apps will offer new functionality along with improved user interfaces and an enhanced user experience on top of existing systems.

At the same time as the revolution at the user interface overwhelming Government commitment to open systems and open data, restated in the recently published NHS Information Strategy, along with new technologies to integrate data at the back-end means that the drive towards a single system approach to integration at the level of a care community, that is often cited a the reason for system change, is no longer valid.

Better Integration of care and the more effective sharing of data is central to meeting the challenges faced by the NHS, but the way to achieve this at the level of a care community is no longer through lowest common denominator single system (if it ever was?) Historically many PCTs have pushed single systems solutions and this view remains disturbingly present with some of the emerging CCGs. I suggest that those who still see this approach look again and that individual GP practice resist the pressure to take the pain of a system change for the greater good, when there are actually better ways to make the gain without the pain.

Most GP are reasonably well served by their current system and there are new was to meet GPs IT needs just around the corner so my advice is to sit tight – Now is not the time to change.

Edited extract of relevant section  from my 2004 document is reproduced below. The full document is available here, although much of it is only of historical interest.

Most GPs have experienced a significant upgrade or replacement and know that this involves considerable work and no little pain: re-training staff, re- engineering or re-implementing business process and converting data. They also know that hurried, poorly planned or poorly implemented upgrades can be a disaster.

GPs have large amounts of data relevant to current patient care. Data conversions as part of an upgrade have been problematic in the past, but cannot be avoided. The expertise exists to build data conversion tools and processes that are safe and effective, but individual conversions will require significant work by practices in preparation and data validation that cannot be done by others. GPs will want assurance that a clinically and medico- legally adequate data transfer will be made to new systems, and are particularly concerned that this may not be the case.

Any upgrade will require a GP Practice to make a considerable investment in time and effort if it is to be successful, and it must be accepted that initially a new system will do less and do it less well than the system it replaces.

The impact on “utility” of a system upgrade is illustrated by the graph below.


Established  systems  reach  a  point  (their  “utility  ceiling”)  at which  their original design and technological foundations make it increasing difficult to add new facilities, take advantage of new technologies or implement new ways of working.

Irrespective of how good a new system is at the point of upgrade there is an inevitable loss of utility (L) as users learn to work with a new system, retrain staff and re-implement business processes.  In a highly IT dependent environment like general practice this loss will be material and at worst can result in the practice becoming dysfunctional.

In a well judged and managed upgrade utility recovers and users eventually find themselves back at their starting point. Previous experience tells us that for a well managed upgrade the recovery time (R) is 6-18 months

Finally, as systems mature and users learn to exploit them; utility grows to levels not reachable with the old system until the new system too reaches full maturity and a new utility ceiling. It is this gain (G) that justifies the upgrade.

If GPs are to be persuaded of the need to upgrade they will need to be convinced that the quality of the new system and upgrade process is such that the loss at the point of upgrade and recovery time are minimised and survivable, and that the new system has proven potential to provide an eventually substantial utility gain. An honest approach that sets expectations appropriately will gain support whereas unrealistic promises will result in strife.

GP practices will accept some pain in order to promote the greater good of the NHS and participate in a programme designed to lay foundations for the next generation of NHS IT which does not immediately bring them benefit. However, such altruism has strict limits and GP practices need to be persuaded of the need to upgrade primarily in terms of the direct benefits to themselves.

Posted in GP Computing | 2 Comments

HANDI – The Healthcare App Network for Development and Innovation

Most of you will know of my involvement with HANDI and new not-for-profit organisation intended to support and encourage the development of health and care apps to transform health and care. which I would urge you all to support.

People keep asking “are apps things that run on mobile phones?” and keep talking about “mHealth” as the coming thing.

Well, yes apps run on mobile phones and ubiquitous connectivity changes the world, but there is an underlying “app” paradigm that’s more important so forget the “m” and concentrate on the paradigm.

While it is true that the “app” paradigm comes from the mobile world, the mobility of apps is not the primary thing that makes them a powerful, disruptive technology, rather it is their other characteristics, and these can apply irrespective of the device an app is running on and the modality of its current connection.

My vision for an app is that it is an agile, lightweight and intrinsically connected thing, running on whatever device, from phone to 80 inch digital TV, that happens to be right for the user at any moment, adjusting itself to the form factor of the device it’s currently running on, using mobile connectivity when it’s mobile with a seamless handover of app and data as the user moves from device to device.

Apps are easy to build; at their most powerful when designed do a few things well; are easy to distribute, install and use; and with care can be orchestrated to work together.

Apps are easy to build because they make substantial use of pre-built components in a well defined development framework and can make use of third party data and services, available to them in the cloud, allowing the developer to concentrate on the unique not the generic features of their app.

App stores make it cheap and easy for developers to promote and distribute their app and for users to find and install it

Finally, if they have an appropriate platform, open APIs and a few standards Apps can be orchestrated to work together to meet the broader needs of an individual user.

Together, these thing drive cost down, quality up and enable new ways of working.

Already this new paradigm has produced a flurry of free or low-cost apps in health and care and enabled people who previously could not have got their idea to market to do so. But, this is only the beginning. If we can work together to make it even easier and cheaper to build health and care apps and if we can encourage the development/adoption of open APIs, open platforms and open standards to facilitate the orchestration of apps to support the processes of health and care, we will improve well-being and transform the way health and care are delivered .

This is what HANDI is about. Join us.

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NHS Hack Day – Making an Old Man Happy

I’ve been fortunate enough to fall in with some of those young clinicians and developers organising NHS Hack Day (actually two days 26/27 May 2012 in Central London) and I think this is one of the most exciting things to happen in Health IT for many years. It also fit well with my latest not-for-profit venture about which more soon.

This free event is now “sold out” (they are trying to get more space at their venue) but you can still participate by joining “nhshackday” at

The energy and enthusiasm of this group reminds me of the early days of GP Computing in the 1980’s and I think they might give a spur in the Acute sector like that of the early pioneers in  UK General Practice.

UK GP Computing was the first widespread application of IT at the point-of-care and retains a position of global leadership. Today over 99% of practices have been fully computerised for more than 10 years, most practices operate” paper light” and most mid-career GPs have never known general practice without a computer.

Progress in the Acute sector has been disappointing, but I think those behind NHS Hack Day are about to change this and I want to encourage them and suggest they take heart and learn lessons from what happen in GP land 30 years ago.

The reason for success in General Practice and the lack of similar progress in the acute sector are many (see: ) for more. But at the heart of this was the collaboration that emerged between young GPs and techies in the early 1980’s from which all of those companies that have shaped the GP System market emerged.

These young people were fascinated by the power of the early PCs (Apple II, PET, TRS80) and a raft of long forgotten micro-processor based mini-computers which meant a GP practice could afford a computer. They saw opportunities to improve care, build business but above all have some fun. The clinicians learnt a lot about the technology (programming their Sinclair’s, BBC Micros etc – Parallels with apps, open source and the RaspberryPi ?) and the techies developed a deep understanding of primary health care which they lived and breathed with their clinical mates. From the shared understand and respect came some amazing things.

Many of these people are now in positions of leadership in the clinical professions, academia,  industry and the global health informatics community, they haven’t all found out about NHS Hack Day yet, but those that have are much encouraged by what we see what is  (primarily) our children’s generation doing.

As ever, this new generation will need to ignore a lot of our advice in order to make progress (as we did before them) but there are things to be  learnt from our history and there is much we will try and do to support you.

We wish you well and stand ready to try and help.

Posted in GP Computing, History, Open Source | 1 Comment

Cutting off your Nose to Spite Your Face

I’m increasingly using social networking and online collaboration tools for projects in my working life and more and more of my clients are using social networks to promote their interests with their customers, service users and the broader community. Without these tools my efficiency would plummet and my clients ability efficiently pursue their objectives would be much undermined

However, I’m still finding that many behind corporate or NHS firewalls can’t get access to these tools and are thus denied the transformational benefits of making proper use of them. Even though others including many more enlightened  NHS organisations are demonstrating how they can be used efficiently.

Organisations who think they are going to improve corporate productivity by taking a “sledge hammer” approach to Internet abuse and corporate security are dinosaurs and will go the same way, only hopefully a lot quicker.

Sites and services commonly blocked include Facebook, Google Docs, Dropbox, LinkedIn, YouTube, Mikogo, Skype, G+ The list just goes on and on.

The problem is further compounded by overzealous email filtering. Don’t the IT droids understand that there are legitimate business communications in Health and Care dealing with paedophilia, child abuse and rape or that “Dyke”can also be a surname?

Sure there are legitimate concerns with regard to staff making improper use of their employers time and resources and the security of corporate networks, but we don’t try and stop doctors and nursing abusing medicines by saying they can’t have any access to them and in any case where staff are poorly managed and motivated they don’t need technology to help them squander their employers  resources.

I also amazed how people put up with these restrictions, particular in large poorly managed organisations where the IT function is remote, difficult and unresponsive and people feel it is just too much trouble to argue their case and live with the inefficiency or just work round it using their smart phones.

Organisation have to understand  that survival will increasingly dependent on having a workforce who know about and understand how they can use web 2.0 tools like social networks, crowd sourcing and cloud based collaboration. Cutting of their access to such things in the workplace is surely cutting of your nose to spite your face and an abrogation of managements responsibility to ensure staff are trained and  motivated to use these tools appropriately. IT departments also have to step up to their responsibilities to protect corporate security and resources in way that don’t interfere with the business and realise that they can’t get away with blunt sledge hammer approaches.

Finally,  those face with in appropriate block on access, should tell their employers to get their act together. But, don’t blame me if you get fired.

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NHS-Life Sciences Partnership

“The NHS should be “opened up” to private healthcare firms under plans which include sharing anonymous patient data, David Cameron is due to announce”

25 years ago I launched AAH Meditel. My plan was to give GPs free computers in return for anonymised patient data, which I planned to sell, primarily for life-sciences research. Today’s endorsement of this concept by Prime Minister David Cameron is therefore one that I welcome, but with some critical reservations.

AAH Meditel was successful in establishing a large database of over 5 million patient records and one competitor VAMP (now part INPS), who launched at the same time, did something very similar. The commercial models didn’t work (we were too far ahead of our time in so many ways) but it is the process we started, later built upon by others (notable EMIS) that has provided the foundations on which today’s announcement is made.

Over the past 25 years I and others in the primary care informatics community have learnt a great deal about the issues associated with building a longitudinal “cradle – grave” record and in particular those that arise when you start to share it and use it for both primary and secondary purposes distant from those purposes in the minds of those who created the record.

The value of this record is created by the willingness of patients to divulge often sensitive information to healthcare professionals. They do this primarily to get the care they need, but we also know that when asked, the vast majority are happy for it to be used for other purposes, particularly medical research, as long as all practical steps to protect their privacy have been taken. David Cameron has made it clear that such steps will be taken, but I have little confidence that Government understands what is necessary and possible or that the research community go much beyond lip-service in their attempts to address these issues. It is clear to me while the research community has no need or desire to compromise patient privacy it also has little willingness to take the problem seriously and risk creating a public backlash and worse, undermining patient confidence in the doctor-patient relationship that lies at the heart of health care.

I want to see health data used to support the British life sciences industry, but more importantly I want to protect patients’ confidence in their relationship with those who provide their healthcare. I believe if we get it right we can have both, but to do so we have to protect certain key principles:

1. The use of patient data for research is a privilege that patients grant not a right for researchers to take. Patients must be able to opt-out; we know that very few will choose to do so and by denying those who wish to the opportunity we create much unnecessary conflict.

2. It is not a simple matter to protect personal information and comprehensive anonymised data can often be easily re-identified. It is important that those concerned properly understand the risks and how privacy enhancing technologies can mitigate these risk if applied as part of an appropriate governance framework.

3. There must be an acknowledgement by the research community that their first duty it to respect the wishes of patients and the privacy of their data, not their research.

4. That we recognise while health data is a valuable resource its fitness for purposes distant from those for which it was collected is not as great as some might believe. We have much work to do to understand and improve the quality of data (see my blog and )

The BCS Primary Health Care Group published a discussion paper in March this year which I think provides a good starting point

BCS Health have a much longer document in preparation “Fair Shares for All” which should appear soon. This provides an extensive review of the issue including a comprehensive review on patient attitudes on which I draw in making some of my statements above.

Let’s make the most of the opportunity, but please, be careful out there. Privacy is a fundamental human right, and should not be treated as an inconvenience by those wishing to use patient data for purposes other than care.

Posted in Analytics, Data Quality, Privacy and Consent | Leave a comment

Future Funding of GP Computing

I’ve have heard Katie Davis (no relation), the new head of the DH Informatics Directorate, speak twice in the last few days and on both occasions she has stressed the Government’s desire to create a vibrant market for the suppliers of Health IT systems. This is very much to be welcomed.

Current arrangements for the funding of GP Computing come to an end soon and at one of these meetings, in answer to a question from the redoubtable Dr Mary Hawking, Katie Davis gave assurances that there would be future funding for GP computing, but would not be drawn on the form it would take. This both reassured and worried me.

The cost of GP computing has always been fully met by the NHS (either directly or indirectly) but the way this funding has been delivered has had and will continue to have a critical effect on market dynamics and decisions about future funding will determine who “vibrant” this section of the market is with important ramifications for the whole market.

The UK wide 2004 GP contract gives GPs a contractual right to a choice of GP system and currently funding for GP computing comes from two central sources: Where GPs take solutions from the LSPs under the NHS NPfIT it comes from the NPfIT otherwise it comes via the GP Systems of Choice Programme (GPSoC) under a national framework contract which includes all of the current GP suppliers (for practical purposes this contract was available to all who wanted to participate at the time it was let.) In both cases the responsibility for managing the provision of systems at a local level in England lies with PCTs; there are other arrangements in the other home countries.

A number of things will happen over the next couple of years which have the potential to result in radical change for GPs in England.

1. The NPfIT LSP contracts come to an end in 2013; but are the subject of ongoing discussions that could lead to changes.

2. The GPSoC contract comes to an end in March 2013

3. PCTs cease to exist in April 2013 – assuming the Health Bill makes it through the Lords.

4. Finally, there is potential for changes in the GP contract

If properly coordinated these changes create an opportunity to ensure competition and innovation and a vibrant market. However, the history of such coordination on this issue is a very unhappy one and we need action now to ensure it happens.

There are a number of issues that emerge in my mind which need to be addressed:

• There must be coordination between the different parts of the DH/NHS responsible for these changes including, as far as it affects them, other home countries. The BMA and in particular the BMA/RCGP Joint GP IT Committee has a key role in making sure this happens.

• The local coordination role currently undertaken by PCTs MUST go to the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) not to the National Commission Board (NCB). As. I have said previously, and it is widely acknowledged elsewhere, successful IT requires frontline (particularly clinical) engagement. The shift of responsibility for IT provision from individual practices to PCT resulting from the GP 2004 contract undermined this engagement moving closer to GP and other clinicians via the CCGs with help rebuild engagement moving to the NCB would fatally undermine it.

However, while CCGs should hold the responsibility many are not equipped to manage the practicalities of this role and arrangements should enable CCGs, either singly or in local clusters, to contract out day-to-day responsibility to informatics services or Clinical Commissioning Support Groups in the public, private or third sectors.

•New arrangements need to secure access to GP data for analytic purposes (see my blog )

•Transition arrangements for those with systems under LSP contracts should be such as to bring all GPs in to a common framework.

• We need to retain choice for GP practices and keep this enshrined in any renegotiation of the GP contract. I can see good arguments for a common choice at a local level, but on balance I believe that this should be by agreement between practices. I fear that if we remove choice at a practice level altogether we risk ossification of the market which will stifle innovation and competition

• New arrangements need to open to scrutiny, like GPSoC not secret like the NPfIT contracts

• We need to ensure that we don’t continue to lock the market to new entrants or just to those who offer a GP-Centric solutions. The future IT needs of GP practices may well be better meet by a new generation of multiple cloud based apps which make the current boundaries between care settings and the systems that serve them meaningless –We must not create artificial barriers to such potential new approaches. If we lock general practice in a bubble so that it can’t be part of wider solutions that cut across care-settings and organisational boundaries we risk doing damage across the whole UK Health IT market not just General Practice.

It is not clear whether the intention is to put a national framework in place but this would seem to go against much of what I’m hearing about local procurement of IT. I think there needs to be some national coordination and standards, but this not need go as far as formal framework procurement. I favour some central guidance perhaps with a model contract that can be amended for use at CCG level (probably done through share Clinical Commissioning Support Group or Local Informatics Services.)

Getting this right will be critical to the creation a vibrant market and time to do this is running out. I know that some work is going on but are we covering all the bases?

Deceleration of potential conflict of interest

I don’t believe that I have any material conflicts of interest in relation to the matters in the blog. Neither my future plans or those of any current client are directly effected by future decisions on the funding mechanism for GP computing.

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Lessons from GP Computing

UK GP computing leads the way globally in the application of clinical computing at the point-of-care and for many years was the only example of the widespread implementation of clinical computing at the couch-face.

It is interesting to examine why GP computing was, and still is, much more successful than clinical computing elsewhere in the NHS and what lessons, if any, are transferable from general practice’s experience to other care settings.

To carry out this examination requires an understanding of the history of GP computing. In writing this I am struck by the parallels with a the story of the development of the London Underground, told in a book read on holiday “Subterranean Railway” by Christian Wolmar. This tells of a success built on innovation, mainly unsuccessful commercial opportunism, limited (but occasionally enlightened) state involvement (importantly not in the innovative phase), luck, and fierce competition between suppliers (attenuated by self-interested cooperation). Why I was reading a book on the London Underground while on holiday in Kefalonia is a question I will leave readers and my family to ponder.
GP computing in the UK can trace it roots back to early research-funded experiments in the 1960’s but only started to get a significant foothold at the end of the 1970’s when microprocessor based computers made multi-user systems running operating systems like OS9, BOS, Xenix and Mumps affordable to innovative practices (interestingly it was these machines rather than the early PCs, which appeared at the same time, that powered the first generation of systems).

These systems were developed by GPs themselves (or those very close to general practice) and were focussed on automating processes that were currently onerous and which looked like easy targets for computerisation – notably, patient age-sex registers and the production of repeat prescriptions. These tasks were also attractive targets because their automation brought financial benefit (substantial cost savings around repeat prescriptions and revenue opportunities and cost savings around age-sex registers). There were few grand plans systems were built quickly and deployed quickly, most were flaky, but the small band of enthusiast soon discovered what worked and what didn’t. Some big companies entered the fray (DEC, IBM, Centrefile (a part of Nat West Bank)) but it was the gifted amateurs who were close to the requirements that built the successful systems and all today’s market leaders grew from small innovative start-ups (all but one of them from systems that first appeared in the early 1980’s).

This gives us the first few lessons which I think are transferable and still hold good:
Development of systems has to be user-centric with end-users and other domain experts involved throughout the whole system life-cycle, not just in the requirements gathering stage.

Rapid prototyping and agile development work best, particularly when extending IT in to new areas or using it in new ways when we don’t really now what the true requirements are and what’s going to work best.

Users will put up with and engage with a flaky system that does something that is actually valuable to them. If user responses to a new system are dominated by complaints about quality and usability it probably means they do really value the functions it is designed to perform.

The market grew slowing in the beginning and in early 1980 Government intervened with the disastrous Micro’s for GP’s scheme which killed off many of the embryonic commercial suppliers and nearly destroyed the market, but this had two positive effects. Firstly, it resulted in the availability of prescription forms on continuous sprocketed stationary (making it much easier to print prescriptions, although confusion over standards meant these new forms were produced for many years at a non-standard width!) Secondly, it led to the formation of the General Practice Computer Suppliers Association (now subsumed in the Intellect Health Care Group) which demonstrated that suppliers could work together in the public interest (as well as their own) and formed an effective working relationship with officials from the DHSS which helped avoid future inappropriate Government actions.

Some more lesson here.

It is often simple things – (like the provision of prescriptions forms and changes in regulation to allow their use) that can enable new technology to deliver more efficient business processes.

The interests of suppliers, with a long-term commitment to a market, are much more closely aligned with each others and the interests of customers than is often understood. Suppliers, customers and regulators can and should work together and such cooperation will tend to drive out suppliers seeking to gain short-term advantage at the expense of their customers.

There is scope for multiple interpretations of standards (even something as apparently simply as the standard widths of paper) effective standards implementation require earlier testing to prove interoperability – With today’s complex standards IHE provides an exemplar of how this can be done with their Connectathons

By the mid 1980 about 5% of GP practices having some sort of GP system, but while a few pioneers had screens in their consulting rooms most of these systems were used primarily in the back office. It was at this time that a number of people recognised the potential commercial value of anonymised data from GP systems and two companies, mine, AAH Meditel (now subsumed in iSoft/CSC and VAMP (now INPS/Cegedim)) launched schemes which offer sophisticated multi-user systems to practices at no cost in return for anonymised data. These schemes (like some of the early investments in the London Underground) were eventually commercially unsuccessful (I lost £13 million of investors money and VAMP must have lost a similar amount) but between us we left a legacy of over 2000 computerised practices who chose to keep their systems As well as this direct effect the “Free Schemes” demonstrated the benefits of computerisation and over this period many other practices computerised outside of the “Free Schemes” and the Government introduced a direct reimbursement scheme for the cost of GP systems (deliberately designed to undermine the business models of the “Free Schemes” of which they disapproved). By the time the free schemes ended in 1990 GP computerisation had exceeded 50%.

The widespread implementation of GP computing made possible various developments in General Practice which would not have been possible if the practicality of GP computing had not been demonstrated. These included the data driven 1990 GP contract, GP fundholding and early developments in EDI between GP practices, Health Authorities and hospital laboratories. I remain particularly proud of the work my company did in EDI We had established an electronic network with daily communication with nearly a 1000 practices (by far the earliest such network of any size). We used this network to collect data (VAMP used disks in the post), but also opened it up to allow early experiments with EDI. Sadly we lost the network with the “Free Scheme” and failed to commercially exploit our early lead in EDI.

So some further lessons:

Young and foolish entrepreneurs should be encouraged to deploy innovative solutions, as the investment will benefit healthcare independently of their commercial success. It is worth noting that we would not have either the London Underground or the Internet if numerous hopefuls had not lost their shirts in the process of building them.

Benefits don’t flow from IT but from the changes in ways of working it makes possible. IT can both catalyse and enable changes in business process and culture. The quality and efficiency of general practice today has been much enhanced by the changes GP IT has enabled to happen over the past 30 years.

Today, virtually all GPs use a computer in the consultation, the majority of practices are paper-light (they don’t routinely refer to paper records) although they have to scan much incoming paper to achieve this and most mid-carer GPs have never known general practice without a computer.

As well as the lesson that flow from the history there are other factors that enabled GP computing to be successful which relate more to the nature of general practice and which don’t apply in many other care settings these include.

The scale and complexity of general practice. General practices are not simply organisations and there is considerable variation between their ways of working and thus their IT requirements, but compared to an acute hospital or large community service they are relatively homogenous, quite small (typically 10 – 20 people) and it is reasonable practical for a single person to have an intimate understanding of all they do. Replicating this level of understanding in larger organisation is close to impossible and while more formal methods of requirement gathering can help the answer probably lies in avoiding the problem by avoiding “lowest common denominator” monolithic enterprise-wide systems and instead focusing on multiple “best of breed” systems able to interoperate to provide not just enterprise but community wide operation.

The nature of GP Encounters. Most GP encounters occur in an office environment where size and portability of equipment are not an issue and are off a nature where infection control is not a major concern. Technological advances are now close to removing the problems of using systems on the move or in difficult environments. We already have equipment in form factors to suit mobile use, with ubiquitous wireless LAN and WAN a reality in many places. We have devices that can be wiped clean and well developed voice recognition enabling use in most clinical environments, with the short-term prospect of cheaper and even more usable mobile devices, 4G connectivity and new hands-off human-commuter interfaces it will become possible to deploy IT in even the most difficult clinical environments.

UK GPs are “for profit” businesses and until 2004 were the direct customers of GP systems suppliers. This meant that the frontline user was making the purchasing decision, that they demanded a clear return on their investment, were willing to fully commit their part in achieving benefits and the associated ROI and would robustly hold suppliers to account to play their part.(as an ex CEO of a GP supplier I still have the scars!) Creating the same relationship with larger health providers is not possible. However, it is possible to achieve some of the features of this relationship by ensuring that frontline staff takes a leading role in procurement decisions (not just participate in the procurement), that personal and organisational incentives are aligned with benefit realisation (which must themselves be aligned with real business drivers.) i.e. pretty much the opposite to what happen in the NPfIT where system suppliers were disconnected from frontline users by the imposition of a process obsessed and dysfunctional “communication” channel via the LSPs and the BabyFITs (the local arms of the NPfIT.)

The Independent GP Systems User Groups have be a critical factor in the success of GP Computing. I think the first to form was the Abies User Group (now subsumed into iSUG), but all of the major systems spawned user groups. These groups performed two important set of functions. Firstly, to establish robust communication between the suppliers and their customers, both challenging and supporting their suppliers to ensure end-users interest and priorities were given due weight. Secondly, to provide an infrastructure to enable ideas and practical experience to be shared between users. The User Group national conferences attract many hundreds of delegates and many of the group have vibrant local branches. The User Groups also pioneered the use of what we would now call “Social Media” with bulletin boards and mailing lists operational by the end of the 1980’s where users could share experiences and get solutions to problems and development of these early services still provide vital support and resource for end users today.

Competition GP computing in England and Wales was a fiercely competitive environment with many suppliers competing for GPs business with around 30 – 50 serious players in the market at its peak (there are some much higher figures for the number of suppliers quoted but these are mistaken). Goverment intervention with the “Micros for GPs Scheme” in the 1980s and the NPfIT in the 2000s damaged the market and reduced competition, but thanks to the robust response of suppliers and their GP users the market while now more mature (with just 5 suppliers) remains competitive and it is critical that changes which will flow from the end of the NPfIT and GPSoC Contracts done further undermine competition in the market (I will expand on this in a future blog).

In summary, much of the success of UK GP computing can be put down to luck with the right technology being in the right place at the right time for the early pioneers to pick it up and run with it. In the complex world of health informatics GP computing was a relatively easy and fertile place to start. Some of the factors that made UK GP computing a success where unique to that environment, but in most cases they are generalisable at least to some extent and we would do well to consider how the lesson from this success can be applied elsewhere.

Posted in EHR, GP Computing, History, Social Media | Tagged | 5 Comments

Analytics – Whose data is it anyway?

There are a growing number of techniques which might be described by the term “health analytics” which are able to use patient data (generally pseudonymised) for a range of valuable purposes which can help identify opportunities to delver more appropriate, better quality and more cost-effective care. With the challenges healthcare faces using information more intelligently is not optional – We need to do all we can to facilitate the development and application of better health analytics.

There are many governance issues associated with using data for these purposes, which are not the topic of this piece, but suffice it to say there are real concerns, but concerns which can be addressed to ensure patient’s privacy and wishes are respected.

The application of analytics typically requires the extraction and linkage of data from more than one source and this requires the corporation of application designers and those organisations that host systems to facilitate access and the extraction of data. Designers and hosting companies (often one and the same) have some legitimate concerns with regard to risks to the integrity of their systems and operational impact of data extraction, but I’m concerned that some are less cooperative than they might be , sometimes to the point of being obstructive, going well beyond what can be justified by their legitimate concerms. My particular experience is in primary care, where access to practice hosted systems has generally be possible where the practice wish it, but with the growth of hosted systems control seems to be shifting to system suppliers.

It seems to me that it is the customer (more specifically the customer’s Data Controller or Caldicott Guardian) who should be in control of who is allowed to extract data from systems after satisfying themselves of the appropriateness of the data extract and that all patient privacy and any other governance issues have been appropriately addressed. Purchases of IT system should ensure that suppliers are contractually required to provide facilities to support approved extractions in a timely manner, but should understand that this may have an impact on the cost and/or service levels in a hosted environment. The basic facilities required should be no more than those any adequate system should provide as part of its standard reporting tools, but some of the requirements particular to analytics purposes (e.g. pseudonymisation, or the ability to run standard queries like HQL (Miquest, GPES)) might reasonably require additional facilities which might attract additional charges.

The requirements of health analytics are sometimes better met by third-party tools rather than the native reporting tools of individual systems and purchasers of systems should ensure that API’s are available that will allow third-party tools to connect efficiently.
Many suppliers see commercial opportunities in the exploitation of data in customer systems that they supply or host and I have no problem with their exploiting such opportunities subject to the following caveats:

• In general patient’s should be the final arbiter of how their data is used for secondary purposes. They should be made aware of such uses and have an opportunity to object (as required by both the NHS Code of Confidentiality and GMC Guidance.

• Their customers, not the suppliers should be in full control of how data in systems is used and they are responsible for ensuring such use is appropriate and respects patient’s confidentiality and wishes and meet other governance requirements.

• While supplier s may work with their customers to develop services based on secondary uses of data, they should not seek to restrict customers from working with any other party they may choose.
The actions of some suppliers to create artificial technical barriers to data extraction (e.g. by imposing arbitrary limits on the number or records that can be extracted or refusal to make available appropriate APIs to allow third parties to connect to their systems) are unacceptable and customers should ensure that contracts exclude such anti-competitive behaviour.

Opening up information to health analysis and scrutiny to all those with an interest in doing so is central to Government policy and the key to identifying opportunities to delver more appropriate, better quality and more cost-effective care. Subject always to respect for patient’s wishes and privacy, other barriers to access to information need to be swept aside.

(Declaration of interest. My company, Woodcote Consulting has a number of clients who we advise in relation to the extraction of data for analytic purposes.)

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We Made It! Nick and Ewan’s Grand Union Canal Adventure for the Neuroblastoma Society

Just to let you all know that we both successfully completed our cycle ride down the Grand Union Canal on schedule on Wednesday raising over £6,750 (plus a gift aid supplement from the Tax Man of  more than £1,200) for the Neuroblastoma Society.

If you donated, thank you for your support. We plan to keep the Just Giving page open for a few more days and will send you one last email when we know the final total.

If you have yet to donate (perhaps you thought we would not make it) this will be possible for the next few days

We cycled from the start of the canal at Warwick Bar in Birmingham to the very end of the Paddington Arm. This is 140 miles of towpath and we cycled 160 miles in total between leaving from and returning to my home in Leamington Spa. We did about 45 miles on the first three days and about 25 on the last day.

We found the ride challenging, as significant sections of the towpath are hard going managing to be variously soft and dragging, bumpy, muddy and/or overgrown. The best sections are generally those through built up areas the worst in the countryside (particularly between Napton Junction and Braunston) although surprisingly the first half of the Paddington Arm in West London was very poor. On good sections we managed to average about 10-12 mph while on rougher sections we were down to less than 5 mph. The forecast had been dreadful, but the weather panned out better than we could have hoped and we only did about 5 miles in the rain including the last two miles into Paddington in torrential rain (if it had been like this for more of our trip I don’t think we would have made it).

Nick fell off his bike once and both of us came close to ending up in the canal on a couple of occasions (we declined my daughter’s suggestion than we should stage a canal plunge in Paddington for the benefit of Youtube) We did not suffer any bike problems with our specially purchased Kevlar reinforced tyres fending of the many thorns and some broken glass.

We said hello to everyone we passed on the towpath and those who passed by in boats. The response rate to our greetings feel significantly South of Berkhampstead confirming Nick’s Geordie view of unfriendly Southerners

We are now both home, aching slightly, a bit fitter and maybe a tiny bit less fat. Apart from a pint a lunchtime on the first day (which we regretted) we can confirm that the suggestions from some of you that we would stop for a beer at every pub were ill-founded and we resisted the temptation until the end of each day by which time we too tired to manage more than a couple of pints.

Thanks to all of those that supported us, particular Ewan’s wife Alison, for collecting us from Braunston at the end of the first day and returning us there the following morning, Neill Jones for meeting us at our dreadful hotel in Bletchley and taking us out to Bistro Blanc in Milton Keynes for dinner and Ewan’s daughter Iona for waiting in the pouring rain to photograph the end of our run. Also thanks to those who joined us on route or on Wednesday evening in London and us course all of you who generously donated to the Neuroblastoma Society.

You will find various photos on Nick’s blog

We have some thoughts of a challenge for next year, we shall see?

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Nick and Ewan’s Grand Union Cycle Adventure

Please help us help The Neuroblastoma Society

Not health informatics this time, but the planned adventures of two health informaticians – myself and my old friend and colleague Nick Booth. ( who plan to cycle the length of the Grand Union Canal from Birmingham to London.

I was inspired to do this as a result of my local cycle rides around Leamington Spa, where I live, which includes a section of the Grand Union and wondering what it would be like to cycle all the way to London. I suggested this to a few friends who though if it were to be done it should be done properly and that we should start in Birmingham (adding 30 miles) and do the whole length of the canal. So that’s the plan, but all the friends other than Nick have found reason not to join us.

As you might imagine the canal does it best to take the flattest route possible, but this is not the shortest and the canal meanders a bit (145 miles compared with just under 100 for the crow) there are a few flights of locks to climb and the odd hill where we can’t follow the canal under a tunnel, but overall its downhill with a 350 feet descent.

The towpath is of variable quality and while some stalwarts do it in a day Nick and I plan to do it over 4 ending up at Paddington Basin, rather that the slightly closer original end of the canal at Brentford.

We have had nearly nine months to plan and train but while there has been some training planning really only started last weekend and planned reductions in weight and improvements it fitness have not been quite as we had hope. Both off us know we can comfortable do the required 40 miles in a day, but are not so confident about doing this four days in a row.

So to give us a motivation to finish we have decided to try to raise some money for charity at the same time. This will maximise the glory if we make and the embarrassment if we don’t and we have chosen to support the Neuroblastoma Society of which our mutual friend Steve Smith is Chair.

In July 1997, just before her first birthday, Steve’s younger daughter was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. Like most people he had never heard of neuroblastoma, but learned a lot over the next few weeks and months as she was treated with chemotherapy and surgery. Her treatment was effective and she’ll be 15 in a few weeks, but the majority of the 100 or so children who are diagnosed every year in the UK are not so fortunate – more children die of neuroblastoma than any other form of cancer.

Steve’s been a member of the Neuroblastoma Society for a few years now and is currently the chair of the Trustees. The charity raises funds for research into the causes and treatment of this disease, aiming to ensure a happier outcome for more children and their families. Over the years the Society has made grants exceeding £2.5M, a great effort for a charity which depends entirely on volunteers.

The Society is the biggest single funder of research in this field in the UK and a lot of this work just wouldn’t happen without it. The next grant round kicks off later this year and Steve and his colleagues are trying to make sure they have £1M available.
The more you donate the more difficult it will be for us to give up after the first 3 miles and the more we are likely to suffer so please give generously.

Just go to

So please dig deep and donate now.

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